Wednesday, February 8, 2012

#uck a halfpipe

Snowboarding is barely recognizable as the sport/activity it once was. The alternative sports marketing machine has churned the natural mountain into a Cirque Du Soleil snowcone, with lazers and garish, skin-tight suited acrobats pulling as many 1080-double-rodeo-flippity-doos out of a halfpipe as humanly possible. Outside the X Games contingent is the "street-style snowboarding(?)" of the northeast and midwest: kids in oversized pants and basketball jerseys strapping jib boards on their feet and hucking down a set of stairs. Plenty of skill goes into both of these endeavors, but to anyone who has 10-15+ years on the mountain, this video might look a little more familiar than anything you see in TransSnow, or ESPN2 these days...

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