Friday, February 17, 2012

Police Is Gross Sometimes: Missing dash-cam

Yet another case of a missing dash-cam this week. Seattle's finest have a bit of a reputation for questionable police work. Unfortunately for two Seattle individuals who matched a caller's description of (I'm not joking here) "tall black guys, both of them were wearing jeans". One of them wasn't even wearing jeans!!! Apparently the officer didn't want to waste his time finding two black guys in jeans, that would be much too difficult in Seattle. As their attorney points out, these guys were simply "guilty of being black in Seattle."

Of course the officer was "exonerated" of any misconduct, and as the police investigator points out, people just "have to believe in the system, to trust the process". And why wouldn't they believe in a system upheld by virtuous and noble individuals like Officer Makestuffup. Good thing KOMO News in Seattle fought so hard for access to the dash-cam footage that was so conveniently lost (along with tens of thousands of other hours of possibly damning footage). Now the news station is suing Seattle PD for the footage under FOI. It's good to know that police departments are so forthcoming with evidence; it really makes you want to "believe in the system, to trust the process"...

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