The first time you hear Cory Gunz run through a verse or two, you can't help but think he was born with a silver mic in his mouth. Being born into the rap world can only get you so far, and Cory has been showing and proving that he won't rest on nepotism to get by in the music industry. With multiple mixtapes, including the Apprentice series, as well as several SMACK and other street DVD appearances, Cory has been making a name for himself regardless of his legacy, for many years now.
The young'n literally made jaws drop and records stop on Shade45 earlier this year when he flowed so ridiculous they made him back up and repeat his verse live on the air, for anyone who missed the intricacies that bubbled out the first time around. This may not have been completely unrehearsed verse, but even being able to put together rhymes like this puts Cory in a class of artists, most accomplished MCs can only dream of...and he's still a young buck.
If anyone needs further convincing, watch Gunz demolish the BET cypher; no disrespect to legends (Bun B, QTip, Jadakiss) who went before or after, but Gunz is at the top of his game, and gets the better of everyone in this circle. If you still need more proof, there are enough videos of Gunz online to keep your head spinning for hours, or cop one of the mixtapes. We're looking forward to his newest project with DJ Drama, which Cory recently spoke about with Mixtape Daily. Be on the lookout for that project, as well as his debut album, coming soon.
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